We’re all on the road together
Recently, I had been asking myself how I could make a constructive contribution, something I believe passionately in doing. For nearly 20 years of my activist life – 16 of which I served as a Member of Parliament, and 4 of which were in private life – I have had a passionate view that the best way to create fairness in our tax system and reward entrepreneurship was to implement a Single Tax System (please refer to our FAQs to learn the difference between a single tax system and a flat tax).
I intend to amplify the public policy work we did on a single tax system, work produced by some of the best young minds in Canada. Defending the status quo in my opinion is not an option.
If you are interested in public policy reform of Canada’s income tax system, we welcome your thoughts. What we present in this election is one option for reform. You might have a better option, and we welcome those thoughts as well. While we believe the Single Tax System is our best starting point of advancing the debate, our ultimate aim for after the election is to see a parliamentary commission tasked with studying comprehensive tax reform, a commission that has real teeth, real objectives and deadlines, and commands a clear response from all legislators in Ottawa.
As a note of reassurance, just as any ideal tax system must be unbiased and non-partisan, so too is this website and all of our related social media and promotional activity. We are totally non-partisan and unbiased toward any political party or electoral candidate in this election.
Dennis Mills

What is a Single Tax System?
A single tax system is an integrated and simplified system of income tax that replaces the varied and graduated rates of the current system. In the single tax system personal taxpayers are taxed at the same rate, a single rate (20%) that has a basic exemption of ideally no less than $14,000 and features minimal credits or deductions and only those deemed critical by Canadians themselves. It is a system defined by fairness, simplicity, and efficiency.
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